The Relationship between Web Hosting Companies and Colocation Facilities

Web Hosting Companies and Colocation Facilities

For a website hosting company, good server management is essential. Websites are hosted on servers and take up a certain amount of bandwidth. The larger the amount data and the higher the number of visitors on a website, the more bandwidth the site will end up consuming. A website will go offline if the server that hosts it goes down.

Servers can crash due to a variety of reasons. For example, servers have a specific bandwidth that they can manage. If that capacity is exceeded, the increased traffic can cause a server to overload, leading to a crash. Therefore, network traffic management is an extremely important factor that needs to be considered when choosing a website hosting company.

During recent years, many web-hosting companies have turned to colocation for their IT needs. A Colocation facility is a data center that can store sensitive IT equipment, such as servers and storage devices. With colocation, a company purchases its own equipment and stores it at a secure facility for a certain fee. The facility is responsible for making sure that the servers are maintained and that they stay online around the clock. The features of any quality colocation facility include a redundant power and cooling infrastructure in addition to security protocols in place to protect equipment and data. In addition, the presence of a trained staff of IT experts is also a hallmark of a good colocation center.

Benefits of Colocation to Web-Hosting Providers

Many web-hosting companies offering services are fairly small in size. Therefore, it can be quite difficult for them to invest in a private IT setup. Setting up an in-house data center for servers requires immense planning and a large amount of investment to ensure that things run smoothly. A colocation facility is a large IT enterprise that was built specifically for the purpose of housing servers. These services are offered in a variety of packages for varying prices. Consequently, by opting for these services, a web-hosting company can end up enjoying the benefits of a large and efficient IT infrastructure. They do this with the added benefit of affordable rates based on IT needs.

Another consideration is that web-hosting companies grow larger as time goes by. Therefore, their server space and bandwidth availability requirements also increase. With a private IT setup, catering to an increase in rack space can be quite difficult and expensive. Quality colocation facilities will be able to accommodate the growing needs of its customers. By paying more, a company can increase the number of servers that it houses within a facility. Moreover, equipment upgrades can be easier with the help of a colocation partner. Colocation facilities can provide installation services, which make the entire process quite smooth and problem free.  They can also help manage daily operation of equipment, depending on the contract that is negotiated.

Consequently, for web-hosting companies, a smart solution to managing their IT needs is partnering with a colocation facility. Opting for colocation allows them to concentrate their time and monetary resources core business operations instead of on their IT infrastructure.  

Albert Albs believes there are many factors to consider when evaluating colocation services. His articles educate readers about the features that set different data centers apart.  Learning how those  features dramatically impact cost allows readers to determine whether the provider is worth the price.

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